- News -
Final report and GOOD PRACTICE!
We are happy to inform, that MELES Consortium was awarded by the Polish National Agency of ERASMUS+. In the summary of the final report of MELES-BOT project, following statement was included: "We are pleased to inform you that your project has been recognized as an example of good practice and can be used by other institutions as a source of inspiration."...
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Multiplier Event - Dissemination Event of BOT-Learning as a modern teaching method of GEN Z, project number 2020-1-PL01-KA203-081777, Białystok 16-17.05.2023

The final dissemination meeting of the project took place in Białystok on the 16-17 of May 2023. We had opportunity to present our results to over 100 participants from over 20 countries. The main parts of the meeting were workshops carried of by Maciej Kopczyński I Piotr Wołejsza from Science4People. The topic was: Bot as an Education and other purpose Tool...
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Transnational Project Meeting of BOT-Learning as a modern teaching method of GEN Z, project number 2020-1-PL01-KA203-081777, Białystok 18.05.2023

The 7th and the last meeting of MELES-BOT project took place in Białystok on the 18th of May 2023. There were following goals of the meeting: summary of multiplier events – indicators, final report – description part, final report – financial part, next online meeting dedicated to the final report...
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MELES-BOT Project Activities on Eye on TAMK conference Tampere 20-24.03.2023

The personnel of the MELES BOT project participated in Tampere a conference called Eye on TAMK between 20-24.03.2023. Inside the schedule of this conference, there were three timeslots and topics allocated to the MELES-BOT project dissemination: seminar, presentation, and workshop. Then there was one meeting kept for project management activities of MELES BOT project...
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Multiplier Event, Leipzig 18-19 January 2023

On January 28, 2023 the MELES-BOT project consortium introduced to the broad audience the results of the work on the BOT solution in form on a presentation on "MELES BOT digital guidance in business model development" which caught interest of many participants...
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MELES-BOT Transnational Project Meeting 2023 at Leipzig University, Germany

On January 17, 2023 all partners involved in the MELES-BOT project took part in the internal transnational project meeting (TPM) at the Leipzig University. Thirteen participants from Germany, Poland, Bulgaria and Portugal were present. The meeting took place in the office of the SEPT Competence Center for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises at the Leipzig University...
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MELES-BOT Summer School - the second week

The second week of the summer school started with a panel session with entrepreneurs and experts from 09:00 to 10:30. It was a hybrid meeting - stationary and online, divided into two parts: Session 1: Talk with entrepreneurs and Session 2: Ask the expert...
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MELES-BOT Summer School - the first week

After the official opening session, our school started :) with the participation of 30 students and 17 teachers from 5 universities (Maritime University in Szczecin, Poland, University of Aveiro, Portugal, Tampere University Applied Science, Finland, University of Leipzig, Germany, University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria) and 1 company (Science4People, Poland)...
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Transnational project meeting at St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria

The Transnational project meeting (TPM) of the MELES_BOT Consortium took place from 17 to 19 of May 2022 at St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria. Fourteen participants from five European countries participated in the face2face form in this meeting....
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Study Visit to the University of Aveiro, Portugal
The first study visit of the MELES_BOT Consortium to the University of Aveiro (UA), took place from 26 to 28 of October 2021. The meeting was organized in the hybrid form. Fourteen participants from five European countries participated in the face2face form in this meeting...
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MELES-BOT meeting in Szczecin
On April 27th & 28th in Szczecin, Maritime University of Szczecin and Science4People Company held a meeting for the project BOT-Learning as a modern teaching method of GEN Z (MELES-BOT). Due to pandemic restrictions, the meeting took place in a hybrid form. Participants used technical means for distant communication...
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MELES-BOT has participated in University of Aveiro #ErasmusDays Video Challenge!
Here you can see the video about the project in extended version. It was recorded during kick-off meeting in Białystok on 14th of October 2020. On this day, Poland celebrates the National Education Day, commonly known as the Teachers Day...
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Science4People meeting in Bialystok
Company Science4People, the leader of the international consortium, held the meeting with participants of the project BOT-Learning as a modern teaching method of GEN Z (MELES-BOT). The meeting took place on October 13-14, 2020 in Białystok...
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Project BOT-Learning as a modern teaching method of GEN Z officially started!

Just yesterday (1st September 2020) our project has started, and today, we had the inaugural meeting online. First of all, we had an opportunity to see each other and familiarize with the whole Consortium...
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Project BOT-Learning as a modern teaching method of GEN Z granted!
We are happy to announce, that our application was granted. We are in a group of 34 Consortia, who are funded to execute innovation educational projects. What is worth to underline, that we are the only Consortium, who is led by the company...
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